Exeperiencing intermittent track API failures and was able to isolate that any call with the “ * ” character in it will fail. I was not aware of any JSON limitation with * so this was suprising. Is there a document that can outline special chacter restrictions and how/if they can be esacaped (beyond the standard JSON).
Can you send the base64 encoded payload over (strip any key information)? I can test it out. We don’t have special character restrictions so this may be just a coincidence and something else may be driving this issue.
This has also been a plague for us. We strip out any non-ASCII characters before sending to Klaviyo. This solved a lot of issues for us but we still see requests fail for what I’m assuming are character restrictions we don’t know about.
Thank you for sharing this information with our Klaviyo Community. And thank you
Our Track API does not have any restrictions on any type of unicode/special characters.
I have outlined some solutions if you encounter a rejected track request in the post linked below which was asked earlier by
Thanks and have a great day.
we still have a few random errors which we are working with CS to solve
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