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I’m trying to find out, how to make a universal content “component” (UCC) with variable event.


My example: I created UCC for a product tile with many variables (let’s say “product_item.0.url” etc.). I needed to duplicate 9 times (because 0 to 😎.


What I want to achieve is to have one UCC with a variable that increases the number by one each time a new UCC is inserted.


Would anyone be able to help me? Thank you

Hi @oboda7

To clarify this part of your question:

>What I want to achieve is to have one UCC with a variable that increases the number by one each time a new UCC is inserted.

By "each time a new UCC is inserted" are you referring to inserting into a new email template? And also is your desire that this would be an incrementing integer? For example, you want the integer to be 0 for the Template A, 1 for Template B, 2 for Template C and so forth?


Hi @chloe.strange,

Yes and No, I mean inserting into a new template, but also into the same template multiple times.


f.e. I have 2 templates and I want to insert this UCC 4 times into all templates, so:

  • in template 1, I want UCC 1, 2, 3, 4 (let’s say 0, 1, 2, 3)
  • in template 2, same, UCC 1, 2, 3, 4 (let’s say 0, 1, 2, 3)

Hi @oboda7

The recommendation would be to loop over the items. This article will walk you through those steps. 


Hi ​@chloe.strange, that’s not what I need, but thank you. I need to insert a component independently in different places, just with different data
