The Get Event end points appear to return person attributes for all metrics except for those generated by Flows. I’d like to export the persons that are opening and clicking emails that they received from my flows.
I found the undocumented Flow end point but it only returns the meta data regarding a flow or list of flows. Is there an end point for persons opening emails sent by a Flow?
After conversing with some specialists, the best way to go would be using this Metric Export endpoint and then use the Where parameter with the $attributed_flow = FLOW_ID as shown in the example.
This should give the results for whatever metric you’re interested in whether it be Opened Email, Clicked Email, etc for the FLOW_ID that you’re looking for!
Yes, the ‘GET’ API endpoints are very helpful for returning information for profiles, flows, campaigns etc. This should be possibly depending on which GET endpoint you’re using, do you mind sharing which endpoint you have already tried without success?
Thanks for sharing your question with the Community!
After conversing with some specialists, the best way to go would be using this Metric Export endpoint and then use the Where parameter with the $attributed_flow = FLOW_ID as shown in the example.
This should give the results for whatever metric you’re interested in whether it be Opened Email, Clicked Email, etc for the FLOW_ID that you’re looking for!
Thanks Taylor! I played around with the Metric end point some more and found the flow ID appears in the JSON only when the event is related to a flow. However, I didn’t realize we can query on FLOW_ID which will come in handy!