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I had a main template with all my blocks saved and I edited it (mindlessly). Is there a way to get the original back? 

Hello @Taylor Tarpley ,


I am having this same issue, where I edited the Out for Delivery template and saved it with incorrect dynamic image content, and now no image will show in the test emails. I am using the new template editor, but can find no way to revert to the original template after it has been saved.



Can you help with either the correct info on how to set up the dynamic image in cell content or how to revert to the original template and I can redesign?




Hi @cassosborn


Welcome to the Community, we are so glad you’re here! 


Do you mind sharing whether you were in the old template editor or not?


Unfortunately, with the old template editor, there is no way to revert to previous versions of email templates after changes have been made. Our best recommendation in this case would be to create a base template (Create a Base Template), then clone it to make changes as needed, so that you can go back to the base template if needed. 


However, our new template editor does have the edit to go back or forward a step if you choose to use it! 


Thanks for sharing your question with us! 

