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Hi, I am looking for two things:

1 - when i download my email list to a csv? What does the -9 mean in the source column?
2 - where in my account can i look at my demographics?


I am also looking for demographics.  Perfect, thanks Stephen.

Hey @dgilberto 

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community! Thank you so much for coming in to ask for help!

  1.  When you download the CSV file there will be different $source values, in your case -9 = API. You can use the Source Value Reference guide to get more information on this!
  2. If demographic data is collected from subscribers it can be viewed with Custom Reports in Analytics or Segments that are exported. Same with Google Analytics, if that is collected/recorded, it can be viewed. 
    There are customer reports in our Analytics tabs, with the metric of Subscribed to List then add filters for age/gender.  
    Here is a screenshot of the definition for a Segment. 
    ?name=2022-05-27_14-34-30.pngHope this helps answer your questions. Thanks again for being part of the Klaviyo Community!

I was hoping to see if anyone knows:
what does -9 in the source column of a CSV file means?
also - how/where can I get demographics for Klaviyo?

Hey @Upward Dog 

Fantastic! I am glad you were able to find the help you were looking for!!

Thank you, but I guess we need more  on our signups.

Do you know how to get a report on manual uploads to Klaviyo. I am looking for the amount of emails & date they were uploaded?

