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Today I sent out two separate versions of essentially the same email to different segments.

I have created an “employee” list where, as you can imagine, I keep all our employees emails so I can exclude them from certain communications as necessary.

One version of the email was sent to our club members and employees.

Another version was sent to our engaged audience, excluding everyone found in our club segment or employee list. But I received both versions of the email, despite my email address being in the employee list.

I’m worried that my segments aren’t working correctly and that I’m spamming recipients with multiple versions of the same email, but I don’t know how that would be possible if they are part of an excluded segment.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Hi @WWVintners,

Thank you for sharing this with the community. And thank you @Mailbox Manny for offering to be a second set of :eyes: on the issue. You’re always willing to assist others here in the community and we love it 🙂

@WWVintners, I worked in Klaviyo support for a while and I never encountered such an issue (where the logic was set-up to exclude and it ended up sending to a users in the excluded audience), so if it did happen, it would be an incredibly rare occurrence. 

Thinking through some other potential reasons for such an event..I wonder if you were testing/sending any previews around the same time the email was set to sent? It’s possible that one version was a preview email to your email address and not actually sent out as a live campaign email.

I’d also consider if you have another email address (perhaps an alias  i.e. in the Klaviyo account you’ve used previously for testing purposes (or otherwise). If this email ended up in the “engaged” segment in addition to your “main” email address in the employee list, that could cause this to happen. In a similar scenario, if you have another email address in your Klaviyo account set up with email forwarding to your main email address and that was in the engaged segment, that could explain it too.

In other words, there are a couple of different scenarios in which this could occur but did not necessarily “error” in sending two versions to all contacts in question.

In a more likely scenario, there is an issue with the include/exclude logic. If you still have questions or concerns, I’d recommend flagging this with our support team and have them review the campaign logic and provide the email address(es) in question and they will help you get to the bottom of it. But this is some food for thought 🙂 in the meantime.

Hope that’s helpful and have a great weekend.

Hi Emma, 


That’s so odd. I haven’t encountered this before.  Have you spot checked a few other profiles to see if it’s happening there as well? It would be hard to diagnose what happened here without looking in the account. 


If you want a second set of eyes, send me a DM; otherwise, perhaps the Klaviyo team has other suggestions to take a look at first!
