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Getting error message when adding custom property. What am I doing wrong?

Hi there, I’m trying to add a button to my email so when the user clicks on it they are automatically added to a segment. I must be doing something wrong but can’t figure it out. The code I’m using is:

{% update_property_link ‘newdesign_earlyaccess' 'true' '' %} 

I added the property to my own profile to create it. But I must be missing something. 

Can you help? I’m hoping to get this out in the next couple of hours but hitting a brick wall!



I could be wrong but give this one a try -

{% update_property_link 'newdesign_earlyaccess' 'true' '' %} 

It worked on my end when used without errors. Basically your ‘ need to be a ' in simple terms!

That is fantastic! Thank you so much! I have spent hours trying to figure that out. I copied the code from a previous email but I’d put it in a word doc - it must have changed the ‘ things - thank you again, you have saved me a lot of trouble. 😊🙌 
