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Removing Duplicate Profiles Between Lists

  • 22 June 2022
  • 2 replies

Hello! We created a welcome flow for our ETSY customers and we’re about ready to start sending promotions to this new ETSY customer list. Our concern is that there may be profiles on our ETSY list, which also appear on our main SHOPIFY customer list.


Our question: How can we remove (suppress) DUPLICATES from the Etsy list, our preference is to keep a duplicate profile on our main SHOPIFY customer list, but to remove any duplicate profiles from our ETSY customer list?


Hope that made sense!

Thanks in advance, Jason

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @bookbinderjason, welcome to the community!

If you just want to send to a list of folks on your Etsy List (who are not also on your Shopify List), then this is a perfect situation that calls for creating a Segment.  In the Segment, you can specify these definition:

  • Person is in ETSY-LIST AND
  • Person is not in SHOPIFY-LIST AND
  • Person is not suppressed

Where ETSY-LIST and SHOPIFY-LIST is whatever you named those List in Klaviyo.  

Now, when you want to send a Campaign to those folks in your Etsy List (but not also in your Shopify List) you just use the Segment you created above.  

Hope that helps!

Badge +2

Yes! This makes perfect sense. Thank you for this, I’ll set up this segment now. Thanks for the quick and thorough reply. Jason
