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Shopify newsletter signup form not adding to klaviyo list

  • 11 November 2021
  • 3 replies

I’m using Shopify Dawn theme and inserting a section with email signup, but when I use it the email is only added to Klaviyos contact list, and I can’t get it into the newsletter list.

I’ve also tried to create a signup form through Klaviyo and added the embed code to my newsletter page in a custom liquid sectoion, but nothing shows up, it’s just blank.

Shopify is in my Klaviyo integrations and vice versa.

Hello @Beancake12 


I recorded a screen record for you. :)

You can find it at the following link: 

I hope it is of help to you.

Rooting for you,

Hey @Beancake12,

In addition to the wonderfully helpful video provided @thepowerofcopy, I’ve included some Community posts below which has helped other Community members on this topic:

From many of these discussions and my own experience, your Shopify provided signup form may not be adding subscribers to a specific list due to:

I hope this helps!


@thepowerofcopy thank you for your response, and the great video, it was quick and easy to follow. a lot of good answers, and you got it right! My list was set to double opt-in and I was trying to register with an alteration of my own mail, so I didn’t get the opt-in e-mail. Thank you for your response.
