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Hi please refer to the numbered points

  1. I would like one of the sign up forms to appear as a pop up. How do I set up a pop up compared to a standard optin form on my website?

I would like the pop up to offer a £50 discount code in exchange for their email. 

And I would like another signup form to offer free tips and product promotions as part of a newsletter. 

  1. Where does the standard newsletter optin form go on my website?


  1. Does the newsletter email sign up form need to be separate from the popup form offering the discount, and if so, do I need 2 separate sign up forms on the website, one for the pop up discount form and the other for the email newsletter?


  1. Should the pop up form be linked to a flow, and the newsletter sign up offering free tips and promotions form be linked to a campaign?

Thank you. 


Perhaps I could have the 1st popup for the discount appear after 2 seconds, and the “3 tips for” appear after 10 seconds as you say, that way, I’m giving more opportunity to optin. 

The 1st discount popup would send the discount code in the 1st email and then linked to the newsletter tips/promotions emails, and the 2nd optin form is the newsletter, (ie 1st email are the 3 tips, second email could be the discount code….so it would be a case of switching the order of the first 2 emails around for each optin form.

How do I implement that?

Thanks for the input

  1. Which flow do I use for the pop up for the discount, is it the “welcome series” flow? (with 1st email giving the discount code)
  1. It says the flow can be linked to the newsletter so I don’t need to create 2 different sign up forms as the subscribers to the pop up discount can be sent newsletter type emails afterwards. Is that correct?
  2. How and where is the pop up created and the settings for how soon after the 1st visit it shows up?

Hey there ! 

  1. I would suggest you to create 2 different sign up forms. However, make sure that the sign up does not interfere with each other. For instance, you can set one that will appear after someone stayed 2 seconds on your website, and the other one after 10 seconds. 


  1. For the pop-up giving a £50 discount code, you definitely want to link it to a flow (and the first email of the flow will give the discount code). And the other one, it’s up to you!

Good luck
