
Is It Possible If I Enter A Contact List Manually Through Our Sign Up Form

  • 5 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Hi guys,

Like the title. It's like cold mailing, but instead of reaching out to them directly, I will enter their e-mail address into our Klaviyo system through our sign-up form first 🤡. Have you guys ever thought of this? I know this will definitely violate those EIP regulations, but IDK how extreme it will get to do that, anyone could guide me 😸. Looking forward to all responses 👀!

Best regards,

Danny Nguyen

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +42

@Konic Group 

I’m not sure what the purpose of this would be.. what is the difference between you just uploading a list or doing what you said, adding them through sign up form?

At the end what matters is if these people are actually interested in your brand.. your deliverability will depend on the open rates, spam and unsubscribe rates. It doesn’t matter much how you add people but how they respond to your emails.

So in my opinion this is just unnecessary waste of time for you because how people were added at the end won’t help you with anything important...
