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I created a multi-step form today.  1st form is an email opt-in.  2nd form is SMS opt-in.  And then success/confirmation message.

When you say “no thank” to the 2nd form SMS opt-in, the form just disappears and nothing else happens.  There’s no success/confirmation message.  Is there a way to get that message?  Currently, it will only display that message when the SMS opt-in is filled out.    

I am wanting different success messages if signup to both email and sms or only email 

I think I have solved it by adding extra step if click no thanks  and success message states verify on mobile for sms - as form used by client is text only option  ? 







Hey @Mailbox Manny 

Thank you so much for jumping in and helping @vanni with their multi-step signup form! Love seeing our members collaborating and getting help from our Klaviyo Partners!

Yes thank you!  That solved it.  

Hi Vanni!


How about hacking it this way:

  • Have the “No Thank You” as a button
  • Modify the styling of the button to make it look like a standalone link
    • Change background colour of form to the same as site backdrop
    • The action step would be “Show Next Step” 

Here’s an example:

