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How Do I Shorten my URLs for SMS?

  • 18 May 2022
  • 9 replies

Where do I go to get short url's for SMS?  (same as the title!)  Thanks!

9 replies

Userlevel 5
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@phatwa My apologies, I need to walk this back. You can request a branded custom link in Klaviyo which are approved on a case-by-case basis.


Using a third party shortener would track received/failure but not be able to track any conversion metrics. I’ll update my previous post to reflect this.

Apologies for the initial misinformation!

Hey @phatwa, no update as far as offering branded shorteners natively. However, it’s totally possible to use another shortening service that offers branded domains such as and just paste it in as normal. You’d only need to toggle off the “Automatically shorten links” box so it doesn’t get overwritten. 

Thanks, but is there a way to get the Klaviyo tracking to work with custom URLs like that?

Userlevel 5
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CORRECTION: You can request a branded custom link in Klaviyo which are approved on a case-by-case basis.


Hey @phatwa, no update as far as offering branded shorteners natively. However, it’s totally possible to use another shortening service that offers branded domains such as and just paste it in as normal. You’d only need to toggle off the “Automatically shorten links” box so it doesn’t get overwritten. 

Is there any news on this? I want to use a branded .gg domain (vanity domain) for SMS links.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @lilaloves33 & @legate


Thanks for sharing your interest in this and how impactful this could be to your business! 


I would recommend reaching out to the support  to see if they have any updates in regard to this feature! 


Thanks for participating! 



Is it possible to add your own custom branded shortened URLs when sending an SMS?

+1 on this request. We already have a short URL domain we’d like to use for our Klaviyo campaigns which converts significantly higher for CTR on SMS campaigns since it’s a branded domain our customers recognize

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Is it possible to add your own custom branded shortened URLs when sending an SMS?

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Thanks for the information!  I also found that they are in a Beta testing to customized url’s!  Can’t wait.

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @curtis


Thanks for sharing your SMS question with us, happy to help! 


As SMS messages have a 160 character limit, I can definitely understand wanting to ensure your URL isn’t too long and using too many spaces and characters. In fact, it is considered best practice to shorten your links, as stated in our Getting Started with SMS documentation. However, we offer an in-house link shortener in your SMS message template, as shown below, that you can utilize fo this purpose. This feature only needs to be toggled on to use for your SMS messages. 


If you’re just getting started in SMS, I’d definitely recommend taking a lot at these additional resources to gain more insight!


Thanks for participating in the Community!


