
sms not available becsuse of prohibited content? i only sale haircare products why is this?

  • 9 December 2022
  • 4 replies

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 Hi I have a Haircare beardcare company through Shopify I’ve had for 3 years but just recently started using emails to market. I’m new to klaviyo but when I went to setup my sms marketing it says that sms is unavailable to me because of prohibited content. Why is this? We are a Haircare beardcare company only. All of my products are on the up and up. No illegal substances are contained in them so what is the problem. Can anybody help me with this asap because I really need the sms marketing to add to my campaign. Thank you in advance… is the store 


Best answer by David To 9 December 2022, 19:40

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Thanks David 

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Rellwenz1,

Got a bit curious and browsed your website. In searching, it looks like both your Luxurious Beard Oil and Black Mint Scalp Cleanser(shampoo) both contain hemp. In fact, it actually seems like your Luxurious Beard Oil does contain cannabis which does fall under SHAFT regulations. 


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I understand that but none of my products contain hemp or any other substances that are deemed unlawful,illegal or SHAFT at all… Thanks so much for your response David I really appreciate it 

Userlevel 7
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Hello @Rellwenz1,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

I would suggest reaching out to our Support colleagues who can further investigate why this is. 

SMS can be rejected for your account if your industry, services, or products are considered part of SHAFT (including sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco). In my experience, we typically see business in the haircare, wellness, beauty, etc. fields getting rejected due to products containing hemp. Due to this ingredient’s association with CBD, mobile carriers see it as falling un SHAFT and don’t allow it on the platform. 

I hope this helps!

