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Consolidating Customer Events in Flow

  • 18 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Hey All 👋

First post so sorry if i’ve missed this in the forum...

Wondering if anyone has tried to consolidate events for a customer into single email?
We have multiple event type (“view_products” and “Add_to_cart” for example) which are independent events, what I would like to do is consolidate these events into a single email (effectively looping through the customer events).

I could probably write a script on my server side to do this, or do this via segment but figured I would save the MTU’s if there was an easier solution. im also not against firing one event and then performing a lookup to the customer to see the events within a set period of time. 


preferably not trail-blaze this one… 😂 

Hi @chrisB,

Thank you for sharing this question with us!

This is an interesting idea! For context, we’re only able to use a single event as a trigger for a flow. Additionally, only information about that particular event can be used in the flow email. For example, only the event-data for a flow triggered off of Added to Cart could be used in a flow. We cannot combine events (and therefore we cannot simultaneously look to extract event data from multiple events in a flow). For more information on this, see our guide: About Using Event Variables to Personalize Flows.

With that said, you can still loop through customer events in a single metric i.e. in Viewed Product by using event variable arrays in your flow email. 

We have a few lively discussions on this topic below:

While segments will allow you to consolidate multiple events in a single definition i.e. What somebody has done > Added to Cart OR what somebody has done > Viewed Product, segment-triggered flows will not allow you to pull event-data from those metrics into your flow.

I hope that helps address your question.
