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Create a Flow from Scratch Button Not Working

  • 6 April 2022
  • 6 replies

I’m using Google Chrome Version 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit) on an iMac. I literally just finished editing a Flow. I now cannot edit any flows or can I Create a Flow from Scratch.

Is it just me or a widespread issue?

Hey @jmacman,

That’s certainly an odd behavior! As far as I’m aware there hasn’t been any similar reported issues. You can always check to see if there are any incidents pertaining to Klaviyo by checking and even subscribing to our Public Status page.

Additionally, I took the liberty of confirming this within my own test account and so far everything seems to be working as expected when creating and editing flows and their emails. 

This leads me to suspect there may be something isolated to your own setup that may be causing the issue. I would suggest double checking to make sure there aren’t any third party softwares that may be impact your use of Klaviyo. Examples of this could be overly aggressive anti-viral softwares, ad blockers, or extensions. 

I would also advise to clearing your cache and cookies, fully closing out of your browser, and restarting your computers. That tends to resolve most of my computer issues!


I have the same issue right now. I am trying to create a new test flow, and after clicking the button “Create Flow” nothing happens. Also, can’t build a segment:


Hey @Anna Orishchenko,

Have you tried the solution I proposed above on clearing your cache and cookies on your browser? That tends to solve most of these odd behaviors that occur within Klaviyo.

You may also want to check up on any third-party softwares or firewalls that may be impact your use of Klaviyo. Examples of this could be overly aggressive anti-viral softwares, ad blockers, or browser extensions. 

Do you happen to manage multiple Klaviyo accounts? This can also occur if you signed into a different Klaviyo account in another tab or browser window causing a disconnect in the credentials of the account you were previously working in.

If the error persists, I would recommend taking the advise of that error message and contact our Support colleagues who can investigate further! 


Hi David, thanks for the solution. I cleared the cache and cookies, and the error disappeared. However, now Klaviyo says that the segment is empty (Browsed products at least once over time, Placed orders zero times over time), which can’t be true.

The test segment is also empty (Viewed Product is greater than 1 in the last 4 days, Placed Order at least once over all time), which is also not true.

I tried to contact support, but they can’t help since we are on the free plan. And we are on the free plan because we are trying to figure out if Klaviyo even worth it. So, we entered a vicious circle: in theory, Klaviyo is better than our current email software, but in practice, nothing works. We cant start paying for Klaviyo until we figure out all the issues, and we can’t figure out all the issue because we are not paying for Klaviyo. :(


Hey @Anna Orishchenko,

Even under a Free plan, you can still reach out to our Support Colleagues for email support by selecting the Support option in the top menu bar and clicking the clicking Send a Message under Message Support. You can actually see a screenshot of how to navigate to those menus in the How to contact support in-app subsection of the previously linked How to contact support Help Center article. 

Additionally, I wouldn’t actually be surprised if the segment you’re creating is filtering your customers accurately. Since the Viewed Product metric is technically a custom event, it would only start recording since your Klaviyo x Shopify integration began. Unlike the Shopify Placed Order, Ordered Product, and Fulfilled Order events which have historical data that are then synced to Klaviyo from Shopify - the Viewed Product event does not. Thus, I’m not surprised if you haven’t recorded any Viewed Product events - especially if you recently integrated with Klaviyo.

I would also encourage you to spot check your segment by manually reviewing the metrics you’re using to create your definitions. Such as, manually checking on both the Viewed Product metric and the Placed Order metrics and the recent events that occurred.


I was about to create a flow from scratch but the create flow button isn’t working. How do i fix it? I’ve been trying from the last 1 day.
