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I have tried to adjust the Block Styles for the table block with my Instagram feed in, in order to achieve the spacing and appearance. But no matter what, it does not work.

I want the block to look like the block above “shop here”.

What and where in the Block Styles do I change the look to be like this? Right now they have the same adjustments but does not look the same at all.


Hi there @MiaKT,

Thanks for your response that offers further clarification.

Unfortunately you will need to upload the images as the same size if you want them to appear as the same size. It's expected that they will not be aligned unless you were to upload them as the same size. If you do not have access to a graphic editor such as Photoshop, you can use something like to edit your images. I would highly recommend you follow the guide and great documentation found in our help center (for example: How to Insert an Image into a Text Block) as they are great for setting up your templates and making sure your Klaviyo account runs smoothly.

For further assistance on that implementation, I would suggest to hire/speak to a developer if you need assistance as well.

I would also recommend checking out this Community post with similar questions and guidance on how to approach this template design situation:


All the best,



I have not followed the guide as I wrote with the Klaviyo support who told me to make a table block if I wanted the feed to be inline and not three pictures above each other. 
So one from the Klaviyo support put the code into a table block for me, but now the images are not the same size.

Hi there @MiaKT,

I would double check that great documentation that Manny sent over to review how to utilize IG content on your email templates!

In most cases declaring text-align: center on the containing parent element is enough since img elements are inherently inline. But to ensure that this behaviour is consistent across all email clients declare display: inline-block on the nested img as well.

Hope that helped!


Are you using the method in this article to add your IG feed?
