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Link Error for Abandoned Cart

  • 28 October 2020
  • 9 replies


I am using Woo Commerce for my website. I am trying to launch the abandoned cart flow.

I used the link url “http://?wck_rebuild_cart={{ event.extra.CartRebuildKey }}” for my abandoned cart trigger.

But when i click on the preview (i tried lived too), the result is a non valid url. 

La page que vous consultiez essaie de vous rediriger vers une url non valide (http://?wck_rebuild_cart=eyJjb21wb3NpdGUiOltdLCJub3JtYWxfcHJvZHVjdHMiOnsiMTk0ZWRiMzZkNzk3MDNkZTY2OWI1NmE2YzE0NDgzY2EiOnsicHJvZHVjdF9pZCI6NzI5OCwicXVhbnRpdHkiOjEsInZhcmlhdGlvbl9pZCI6NzMyMSwidmFyaWF0aW9uIjp7ImF0dHJpYnV0ZV9wYV90YWlsbGUiOiI5ZC0zOCJ9fX19&utm_campaign=Abandoned%20Cart%3A%20Email%201%20%28WzYjZA%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Abandoned%20Cart&_ke=).


Do you have an idea of what’s wrong? 

Hi @Annecharlotte

Thanks for being a part of our Klaviyo Community forum and asking your first question!

Based on the link you shared, the invalid URL error is happening because there is no URL back to your store. The dynamically-generated product title link pulls directly from the URL you have inserted in your account settings, so you’ll need to input your organization’s URL as such: 

{{ organization.url }}cart?wck_rebuild_cart={{ event.extra.CartRebuildKey }}

It’s possible that you may encounter an error still, so if that happens, you can try adding a forward slash to your URL parameters between {{ organization.url }} and “cart” to resolve any errors with the destination URL. I recommend taking a look at this article, which goes into more depth about how to edit the Table Block and provides additional details on Abandoned Cart Flows with WooCommerce.


Hope that’s helpful!

It worked. Thanks !!

It worked. Thanks !!

Fantastic, so glad to hear that this worked out for you @Annecharlotte


Hi guys,

Is it possible to do same thing with checkout page?

Something like ?wck_rebuild_checkout={{ event.extra.CheckoutRebuildKey }}

Directing users directly to checkout instead of cart can increase conversions

Hi @Thomas Wedge Cuneo,

I would suggest using the {{ event.extra.checkout_url }} tag to link your abandoned cart flow to a checkout. A similar guide can be found here:


Hope that helped,



he configurado el mail de carrito abandonado en Klaviyo de mi woocomerce. Y todo funciona correctamente menos el boton de recuperar carrito del mail que recibe el cliente que lleva a una pagina 404. La url destino que pongo es la siguiente “{{ organization.url|trim_slash }}/cart?wck_rebuild_cart={{ event.extra.CartRebuildKey }}” y me lleva a una 404. Alguien puede ayudarme por favor? No se si tengo que hacer algo mas.


Tengo exactamente el mismo problema y no consigo solucionarlo

hola alquien me puede ayudar con esto porque nome funciona el carrito abandonato 
