Price information, "added to cart" event - BigCommerce
Is there any way to retrieve this data if it’s not displayed in the preview/triggering event properties? I have the added to cart snippet installed, but I’ve noticed there is no pricing info sent through. I’d like to add it to a cart recovery email.
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Hi @wernstrom,
Thanks for sharing this with us.
If I’m interpreting this screenshot correctly, it looks like the “Price” field is displayed in the preview but with no value? Or is it that the “Price” field is not being included in the preview at all? In the former scenario, I would try scrolling through a few different user previews to see if you’re consistently seeing a missing price value through each preview or if it’s only an issue for a single user preview. If it’s only a single user, it may be an issue with the particular product page and you may want to investigate with BigCommerce further.
In the latter scenario, or if this is a chronic issue across multiple users, I would check the Viewed Product snippet to ensure Price is included in the metadata and that the price tag matches what’s in our help center documentation. This is what the Added to Cart snippet “leverages” to pull information about the item added to the cart.
I hope that’s helpful.
Hi @Dov , thanks for your reply.
This appears across all users unfortunately.
Here’s a screenshot from the snippet, which matches what’s in the link you shared:
Both links you shared are to the same destination - is there another help doc I can reference?
I see price info for “started checkout” events but nothing for added to cart. I suspect it’s been this way for a while. Could it be something to do with the BC/Klaviyo integration?
Hi @wernstrom,
Thanks for sharing these pictures.
It looks like you have the snippet set up correctly.
I noticed you opened up a support ticket - I recommend continuing your correspondence with our support team to have a closer look at your BigCommerce integration to establish the root cause of the issue.
It would be helpful if you could let us know how it resolves on this thread, in case other users run into the same issue.
Thanks for being a community member.
Hi @Dov , sure thing. It’s a bit easier to share certain info via the ticket process - hopefully there’s an answer soon. Thanks for your response!
@wernstrom it shouldn't be so difficult to see if that data is populated front end.
If you're getting empty data in Klaviyo most of the times this means empty data is sent to Klaviyo as well.
Check the code in developer tools and you should be able to spot the issue fairly quickly.
If it's populating then indeed the issue is somewhere else.
The "Viewed Product" snippet supplied for BC customers uses the price variable {{product.price.without_tax.value}}. However, this doesn’t pull any information through for stores that are using the variable that includes tax
Since info pulled in for the "Added to Cart" event is typically sourced from the "Viewed Product" event. the "Viewed Product" event has not been finding price info either.
Basically, replacing the “{{product.price.without_tax.value}}” in the snippet with
with "{{product.price.with_tax.value}}" fixed it.
Lydia from customer support was super helpful in figuring this out for me so props to her!