Hi @Sadiq
I suspected that might be the case, but glad to hear we were able to identify ‘the why’ to try and get a strategy in place to improve your performance.
How big is your list?
What open rates are you seeing for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL and Other?
The process of warming up you list can take some time to show improvements if you are having deliverability problems, especially if you’ve been experiencing issues for a little while.
It sounds like you have the lowest opens with Gmail and Hotmail, so you’ll want to treat those two domains differently. For example.
Generally speaking to maintain healthy deliverability, you don’t want to mail to users who have not engaged with an email in the last 90-days on a regular basis.
To re-warm these domains you’ll need to only send to your most engaged users on Gmail & Hotmail, while you may still be able to send to a wider audience for your other domains. So, let’s say you continue to mail a 90-day opener segment to Yahoo, AOL, and Other, but you’ll set up a separate segment of 30-day openers for Gmail and Hotmail. You will mail to these segments until you start to see your engagement with Gmail and Hotmail improve. Once you see your open rates improve, you can then widen the Gmail & Hotmail Segment to 45-day openers, etc. Continue this process until you have all top domains at the 90-day open levels.
If you send resends to non-openers for your campaigns, you will need to exclude Gmail and Hotmail from those resends.
This will take some time depending on how low your open rates are. But know, your flows help with this process as they should be some of the highest engaged emails - especially your welcome and cart abandon flows-and if you have transactional emails being sent from Klaviyo those will really help.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
@In the Inbox
Hey @In the Inbox you’re right!
Not re-warming our list had the biggest impact on our campaigns. Especially with gmail and hotmail.
Yes @In the Inbox . Because a couple weeks ago, we noticed customers were’nt getting our dedicated email flow. so i did a troubleshoot and found out i needed to re-install Klaviyo’s onsite tracking for the new domain.
But now you mentioned it. I also think this might be the issue.
You see, I’m not well educated when it comes to deliverabilty but i’m learning quick.
And to answer your question, Yes! I did not re-warm our lists and i’m guessing it’s why open rates for our campaigns are dropping fast.
how can i fix this? @In the Inbox
Hi @Sadiq
Happy to help! In terms of the re-branding, I suspect this is a cause for some of the issues you might be having. When you re-branded and changed your domain, did you complete a re-warming process for your list (how big is your list?)
If you change your domain and don’t re-warm your list the ISPs may flag you because they don’t know who this new sender (new domain) is from the IP they are receiving messages from. Though, I would expect this would have a bigger impact on your campaigns vs. your cart abandon series.
If you’re open rates for the cart abandon are 25% and they didn’t change much, then I would look at the subject lines to start AB testing. My guess is that when you rebranded, your new domain was not properly “Warmed” with the ISPs which is why you are seeing some of your messages go to the SPAM folder.
For your campaigns, if you want to check the primary domains of your subscribers, you’ll click on the campaign > view Advanced Reports. This will show you how many contacts were sent a message and what their open and click rates were by domain (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.). This will help you identify if one particular domain is impacting your sending performance, etc.
Great questions! Let us @Omar or I know if you have any others as you continue to troubleshoot.
@In the Inbox
Hi @In the Inbox thanks for your input as well. Will troubleshoot with @omar suggestions before looking into this.
Also, this might sound like a stupid question but how do i check the primary domain?
Before taking over the account, abandon checkout open rates were about 25% and they haven’t improved much.
However, the company re-branded and we changed domain. Before this, our campaigns were averaging 40%+ open rates but ever since we changed domain we’ve only been averaging around 20-26%+ open rates.
maybe this could be the problem?
Hi @omar, thanks for your swift reply. Will do all you said and will have some feedback soon.
Hi @Sadiq
To add to @Omar recommended next steps, I would also look at your recent campaigns and see what the engagement has been at the top domain level. While you may be seeing average open rates in the 30-40%, you might see one or two of your customer’s primary domains seeing lower open rates.
What were your open/engagement rates for the cart abandon series before you started running the campaigns? What are they now?
Are you using the same from domain for your campaigns and your cart abandon flows?
I’d also be curious to see how your flow is setup to see if there is anything else happening that might be causing the overall performance to drop.
I hope this helps!
@In the Inbox
Hi @Sadiq,
A couple a things to check
- What words are you using in the emails? any specific spammy wording? subject line all caps?
- What Is your From email address is this setup correctly for Cart Abandonment?
- Go through the data and check which email (Addresses) are getting marked as spam - do you see any patterns there? weird email addresses? specific domains?
Also check this Klaviyo article https://www.klaviyo.com/blog/steps-deliverability-spam
Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner