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🎙️️ This week’s Friday FAQ: How can I get more SMS subscribers? 🎙️


Join Emily for a 60-second rundown on how you can build your SMS subscriber list and get more messages into the hands of your customers. 


Ways to Get More SMS Subscribers

  1. Give SMS subscribers VIP access.
  2. Collect phone numbers in Instagram automatically.
  3. Opt-in SMS subscribers with a magic keyword.
  4. Run a contest or giveaway via SMS.
  5. Promote SMS opt-in across social media.
  6. Use a website pop-up to invite SMS opt-ins.
  7. Convert email subscribers to SMS subscribers.




Hi @Willjoe


Thanks for those extra suggestions on gaining more SMS subscribers! However, it should be noted that  Klaviyo does not collect SMS consent via Facebook Lead Ads at this time. Even if you collect phone numbers from Facebook or Instagram, you will specifically need explicit consent to message users. We have a helpful workflow though explained in this similar topic below!




@Willjoe -- I am having trouble setting up the backend of a SMS Giveaway. Do you have any recommendations on how to set it up?

I have established a keyword I would like for people to reply with to enter the giveaway, but when I test sending that keyword it activates the “When no keyword is recognized” trigger and I can’t seem to set up another trigger or SMS flow to work around it. My other thought was to create a segment that equals 1) gives SMS consent 2) “sent SMS” = giveaway keyword so I could see a list of people who enter the keyword (and therefore choose a random sample to pick a winner), but I’m seeing now that “sent SMS” only equals subscribe keywords and that won’t work either! (I don’t want to send them in a sign-up flow).

Any help would be so appreciated!!



Hi @samanthalsiegel I realize its been a year but are you still facing that Instagram giveaway challenge? The Gatsby / Klaviyo integration just solved for this, allowing Instagram users to 1-click subscribe to your SMS list from their DMs. Here’s a little overview on it:
