API issue

  • 20 November 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +1


I encountered an issue while integrating a CRM with Klaviyo. I'm utilizing the API specified at https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/reference/create_profile, and the body request is in JSON format. However, I need to submit it as Key-Value pairs.

Here's what I attempted:


... (remaining key-value pairs)

I'm unsure if this approach will work. When I tested it, I received the following error message:

"errors": [
"id": "5f746ff4-cfca-45c7-9b1b-d7c884119e98",
"status": 404,
"code": "not_found",
"title": "Not found.",
"detail": "No revisions found for method",
"source": {
"pointer": "/data/"


Can anyone guide me on the correct format for submitting a Key-Value pair request to Klaviyo's API?

Thank you!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +36

Hi @developerCZ!


Would you be willing to try the same API call as a CurL request (taking the actual code from the docs you referenced) via a testing tool like Postman?


That would help clarify whether the issue is with your integration or the actual content of the API call.




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I tried that. In postman sending json or curl request works. If I send Key - value, it does not work.

Json request body


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This is what I tried in the form of Json Key-value pair. How can I resolve this issue?

@Brian Turcotte , Could you please have a look at it and suggest me the solution?

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Hi, Any updates?
