
Custom Audience Sync for Lead Ad Conversion in Facebook

  • 3 November 2023
  • 3 replies

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To collect more leads, I set up an ad in FB using the instant form and set up the integration between Klaviyo and Facebook Ads to bring the new leads back into Klaviyo. I have everything set up and the leads are flowing back into Klaviyo...but I’m still learning all of the details of setup. I think I understand the purpose behind the Custom Audience Sync option of the integration, just not how to fully utilize that yet.  My question is regarding this first ad setup. Because my goal is to garner new subscribers through this FB ad, I wouldn’t use the custom audience sync or use the sync in the lead ad campaign, correct?  

IF I understand the purpose behind that, it would be used more for re-engaging current subscribers by targeting them through a campaign.

Am I on the right track?  If so, would I still want to set up the sync, just not use it in my campaign?


Thanks so much in advance!!


Best answer by Omar 3 November 2023, 11:13

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Userlevel 7
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Welcome to the community @Nanette 

The custom audience sync in Klaviyo pushes your selected segment or list to FB as a Facebook Custom Audience so you can target those audiences with ads if they have an FB/Insta account.

As you say, you could then use those Facebook Custom Audiences for ad targeting. As you already have those contacts captured in Klaviyo, it would be a ‘re-targeting’ ad campaign. However, what you can also do with those custom audiences is to create lookalike audiences for new lead generation. Those lookalike audiences will be selected based on the signals FB uses to find users who are similar to your Klaviyo/custom audiences. 

Does that answer your question?



Userlevel 7
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Adding to what Andy said


In essence communication can flow in 2 directions. From Meta to Klaviyo or From Klaviyo to Meta.

Sending leads to Klaviyo is a great way to grow your audience, make sure to follow up on them with emails and keep them or make them engaged through email.

Sending data from Klaviyo to Meta allows you to retarget based on any segmentation you do in Klaviyo. This to allow you to better target your audience. You can also think of negative filters i.e. removing people that just bought.

Things to think about are: Segments based on order behavior (your VIP's), segments based on actions people took (added to cart - started checkout) or didn't take i.e. a good customer hasn't placed an order over 6 months or segments based on any first/zero party data, interests.


hope this helps a bit!


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner

We help with e-commerce growth through CRO, Klaviyo and CVO

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Hi Andy and Omar,

Thank you so much for your responses...very helpful information! I have a ton to learn on setting all of this up correctly!  Given the information you’ve shared, with just starting out and looking to bring in new subscribers with a lead gen ad...does it matter one way or another if I have a custom audience sync set up, since the Meta lead gen ad is targeting new leads? I currently have two audiences created - an email/newsletter and an SMS subscribers...and I’ve synced them to separate Meta audiences I created. I didn’t use either in my lead ad campaign since the campaign isn’t targeting existing folks (and I didn’t use a lookalike audience bc my existing audience in Klaviyo is fairly small). I just want to make sure I’m setting everything up correctly and capturing the correct information.  It’s all a bit overwhelming! lol!


