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Hoping for some help with Octane AI, or maybe just general rules of thumb for third party providers. 

I integrated with Octane AI using a private key and set up a Quiz. 

Everything seems to be flowing correctly, I am getting the email and quiz answers populated in my Newsletter list, but…. my testers have not received the opt in email.

I am assuming this is because they entered the email in Octane AI, and there is nothing that triggers the send in Klaviyo?

Does this mean these users won’t receive email flows I have set up for Newsletter?

Is there some way to force the double opt in email to send?



@Julia.LiMarzi  - yes that is correct, I was mostly concerned that they would appear in the list, but not actually receive campaigns when I send them out, since they haven’t technically opted in. All of my lists are set to double opt in.  Those test profiles did get the welcome email, so I am a little confused on how the Welcome flow triggered without the double opt in. 

@cassy.lee - I think its safer to have a double opt in in case someone puts in their friends email address or something, so thank you for that information, I have sent it along to Octane AI.

@bianca_chez in addition to the suggestions @Julia.LiMarzi mentioned above, another thing to note is that Octane AI uses the V1 API. Per this Klaviyo API doc, Lists using V1 API are deprecated, which means you won’t be able to use Double Opt In unless Octane AI updates to V2 API. If you would like to have Double Opt In functionality, you could reach out to Octane AI and request to be updated to the V2 API, or ask them to update the Opt-In flag that’s in the Klaviyo V1 API. 

Hi @bianca_chez,

If I’m understanding correctly, your test profiles took the Octane AI quiz and were added to the correct newsletter list, yes? If the profile is appearing on the list, then you will be able to send them future messages through Klaviyo until they unsubscribe. 

If they did not receive the double opt-in confirmation email, it is possible that the list you are adding these subscribers to does not require double opt-in. You can confirm if your list uses single or double opt-in by going to Lists & Segments > Your List > Settings > Opt-In Process. Read more about single and double opt-in here

I hope this helps!
