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How do I create a segment for those whose birthday/birthdate is missing?

When I select Properties about someone and then select birthdate it doesn't give me any option to say "birthdate missing from profile".

I want to send an email to those who haven’t entered their birthday /birthdate yet but I can’t seem  select anything suitable to create the segment.

Dov, You are the greatest human I know. 



Hi @lkoczorowski,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

In order to resolve this, you’ll need to create a segment that uses properties about someone > Phone Number > doesn’t contain X, separated by AND, for numbers 0-9.

In practice, it would look like the following: properties about someone > Phone Number > doesn’t contain 0 AND properties about someone > Phone Number > doesn’t contain AND properties about someone > Phone Number > doesn’t contain 2 and so forth. That will isolate users who do not have phone number set. Here’s a screenshot example as well:

Thanks for being a community member.

What about when the property value is a system property like “Phone”? 

I’m trying to build a segment of subscribers who we don’t have a phone number for. 


“is not set” in this case doesn’t work ‘cause the Phone property is set, it’s set to empty. 


I’ve tried “does not equal” with (blank), empty, “”, nothing seems to work. 

Brilliant, thank you!


If you set the property type to “Text” then you can choose “is not set” and that’ll create a segment of everyone who doesn’t have a birthday set.

