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Hi There, can we please get a huge Suppress button on profiles?

Manually suppressing a person is incredibly convoluted in Klaviyo currently.

Sometimes we naturally want to accomplish tasks from a profile context as well - right?

And because manual unsubs occur rarely, you waste 5mins trying to accomplish it, then 5mins googling it -  EVERY TIME!

Hope that makes sense. Cheers

Hi @Ben and @Bobi N. I’ve recently written an article on how to automate this process through Klaviyo webhooks. Hope it helps.

Hey @Ben and @Bobi N.,

Love the discussion going on here! I’ll share your thoughts and insights with our Product Team! 


@Bobi N. Thanks Bobi, cheers. 


I agree that probably this option would be a good addition I guess.. maybe we should suggest it to someone from Klaviyo to :)

@Dov not sure if you can forward this to the engineering team but it may be a good/simple idea :) 

@Bobi N. Thanks for the reply. 

Perhaps unintuitive or counterintuitive is a better word, here’s why...

  1. When a person wants to be unsubscribed, your natural inclination is to search for a profile and unsubscribe them. You’re naturally thinking in a profile context.
  2. But this doesn’t work in Klaviyo. Instead, it seems Klaviyo forces a list-only context. You have to go to the suppression list and add an email. 
  3. This is counterintuitive because you’re not trying to add a profile, you’re trying to remove one!
  4. And because it’s counterintuitive (and manual unsubs are rare) you have to search the docs which makes the process convoluted overall.

Klaviyo is already more complex than other email software because it does more. But we need complexity that’s also intuitive - right? Especially if you’re a merchant like we are.

A massive Unsubscribe button on profiles would allow us to unsubscribe an email from the profile context, which is how many of us naturally think.

Hence this request. I hope that makes more sense.

Cheers, Ben


Not sure what you mean by suppressing being convoluted but to me it seems pretty straight forward.. if you want to suppress someone just:

  • get their email
  • go to Profiles in the left menu
  • go to Suppressed Profiles in the right top corner in Profiles
  • then again click +Add Email Address
  • and just add the address you want to suppress and click

so basically its 5 clicks.. less than 1 minute to do.

I just wanted to share the current process since not sure you are aware about this option. But yes it would be faster i guess if the option was there in the subscriber profile.
