Hi @jimk, Klaviyo auto-archives your segments that have not been used in more than 45 days, try checking Inactive Segments button at the top and you can reactivate. Let me know if this works!
@jimk They probably went inactive from not being used. When you’re on the lists and segments page look for a button on the top right. Think it says inactive or archived I think. It’s a white button with an outline.
Once you reactivate them from that page, star them and they won’t go inactive again.
@Jessica eCommerce Badassery and @chelsgrove - I have made that mistake before and didn’t look in for Inactive segments, but these were all newer lists and segments. I’ll check with my dev one more time. Unlikely he deleted them. It’s more a nuisance than a big problem. Appreciate you both for responding. :)