I’m looking for a way to build a segment based on whether someone viewed any page including (www.brand.com/folder1/) so that it includes User who viewed it and all other extensions of that URL.
When I use my Viewed Page filter, it forces me to choose an exact URL, rather than using a includes statement.
The logic could be uViewed Page] when ]url] includes cwww.brand.com/folder1]
Rather than
How do I get around this limitation?
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No. I don’t have contains or starts with as options.
HI @Andrew.Walters
Ok, that’s great news! So, if you are already receiving the URL (I wanted to make sure), then you should be able to configure your logic to:
contains gwww.brand.com/folder1]
Alternatively, you could use:
>Viewed Page] when hURL] starts with nwww.brand.com/folder1]
This will then pull in anyone who has viewed a page with your root domain and subfolder 1.
I hope that helps!
@In the Inbox
I have one parameter in the Viewed Page event, it’s url.
Are you suggesting a rename the url parameter to viewedPageUrl?
Hi @Andrew.Walters
Thank you for posting your question in the community!
In order to set up the logic the way you’ve described, you need to be sure the Viewed Page event is passing back the parameter viewedPageUrl vs. just the page name, for example.
Once you are receiving the actual page URL the contact viewed, you should be able to configure the filter using any of the following conditions:
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!