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Hi, I have an issue with Dedicated Sending Domain. 

How to properly add the DNS, if I cannot use all the characters? It  gives me this error: 

I can use ‘kl.domainkey’ or ‘kl_domainkey’ but I cannot use both dot and _ at once as it is stayed I should..

I’d appreciate any help! 


Thanks for sharing your experience. I was making the same mistake. I just wanted to ask how did you update the TXT record. Did you add your domain at the end of it as well? coz my dns provider isn't allowing me to add the domain after the “@”


Thanks, fortunately, I figured out it myself, and it was so silly! 

I had to add my domain at the end of it. I didn’t figure it out at first because with the first record I didn't had to do that, the domain added itself at the end.

Well, I am just putting it out here in case someone has the same silly problem! :)

Hi @KatePobi,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Underscores and periods are valid characters for hostnames - this appears to be a limitation of your DNS provider. I recommend getting into contact with them to better understand why they don’t allow these characters and if it’s possible to add them through some other means. Perhaps another community member has been able to find a workaround with this particular provider and can provide some further guidance here.

I hope that’s helpful.
