We're encountering difficulties with our email deliverability in Klaviyo, as a significant portion of our emails are being flagged as spam.
Our hosting provider has suggested that verifying our SPF and DKIM records, as well as identifying Klaviyo's sending IP addresses, could significantly enhance our domain's reputation and improve email deliverability.
We're seeking guidance on the following:
- Specific SPF and DKIM records: Could you please provide the exact records we need to add to our DNS settings to authenticate our emails sent through Klaviyo?
- Detailed documentation or guides: Are there any comprehensive resources available within Klaviyo that can assist us with this configuration?
- Additional configuration: Are there any other settings or adjustments we can make to optimize our email deliverability?
- Klaviyo's sending IPs: What are the specific IP addresses that Klaviyo utilizes to send emails? Understanding these IPs would allow us to configure any necessary firewall rules or whitelist entries.
Any insights or shared experiences would be invaluable to us.
Thank you for your assistance.