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Dear community,


when a user is signing up for our newsletter, he automatically gets an email with the subject “Confirm your Subscription” and a link within the mail to confirm. I need to edit the content of the mail into German and add some features. Does anybody know how to do this?

Thanks and best wishes,


Hey @piquenique,

You should be able to adjust the button in your Email Confirmation email by adjusting the button’s Border Radius. This setting can be found by going Forms > Buttons > Border Radius. Note from the screenshot below how adjusting the radius to 15px gives the button curved edges.

If you’ve ensured you’ve done this, I would suggest double checking and making sure you’ve adjusted the email confirmation for the correct list. This is because the styles and design of the subscribe and preference pages are global for their designated list. This means that after adjusting the border radius to 15px in the example, all other buttons found in the subscribe and preference pages of these lists would all have the same setting applied.



Hi all, I also have an issue with the confirm your subscription email, however it not regarding the language.

I have chosen rounded corners on the edges. It works fine on the other notifications, but on the “confirm your subscription” email it remains its straight corners which makes it look rather off in regard to the other notifications, how can I make the corners rounded like the rest?


Hi everyone,

I managed to change the text by clicking into the empty area between the button and the text area. This open an empty text editor. When I entered my German version of the text, the text in the automatically generated text field was replaced. To be honest: This sometimes works, and sometimes it does not.  But it helped me a lot as there seems to be no other way to modify the text yet.

This must be fixable! Since this is a property changed within the customer profile, wouldn’t it be possible to send this property update within the url, e.g. in a custom mail template? I can’t code that myself, but properties are updated through links and events all the time.

Who is smart enough to do it?

That would mean a single opt-in list which than sends out the custom email template with the link to collect the constent and update the property to comply with GDPR. Doesn’t sound too hard...

Hey @QC1,

Thanks for that feedback! I’ll pass it along to our internal teams! As a consumer myself, being clear on your intentions is highly important and I can see the confusion this phrasing can cause! 

Appreciate you sharing your experience!


I’m new to Klaviyo, and liking it a lot. But not being able to edit the wording on the Email Confirmation makes it near useless to me. The use of the word “subscription” means something else to my customers, where I offer coffee as one-time purchases, or as a coffee subscription (automatic repeat purchase). 


I’ve deliberately chosen to choose the language as “Sign Up” rather than “Subscribe” so that it’s crystal clear what a customer has done (NB. They get a email welcoming them to their “Subscription” when they take out a coffee subscription)


So rather than “Confirm Your Subscription” I would like to change it to “Confirm signing up to our newsletter”, and later on in the same email rather than “If you didn’t subscribe to this list...” I’d prefer something like “If you didn’t sign up for our newsletter...”


I very much like the idea of a double opt-in for all the positive reasons it provides, but if I can’t send this email confirmation using words that make sense to my customers, I’m going to have to fall back to a single opt-in

@David To got it, thanks!

Hey @hanpet,

You certainly can change the button color to better align with your brand! You can update the button color under the Forms > Buttons > Background settings. 


@David To is it possible to change the button color in the confirmation email?

I made the changes in the brand library, but it doesn’t seem to effect the confirmation email:



Also, switching from “Sie” to “du” would be great. I can’t find that setting.


Appreciate any advice!

Many thanks David! Just what i was looking for :) 


Hey @Merkide,

You can disable the double opt-in requirement for users subscribing to your list and enabling single opt-in by:

  1. Click into the list you want to edit
  2. Select Settings
  3. Check the box next to Single opt-in
  4. Click Update List Settings

You can learn more about the double opt-in confirmation email and why it’s typically best practice from the Guide to the Double Opt-In Process Help Center article.


Hi, is this already fixed? Apparantly not? We are from The Netherlands and facing the same problem. We can only change the heading to Dutch, but cannot modify the English text in below, making it look very unprofessional / amateuristic.


Can we otherwise turn off this double confirmation mail somewhere? Honestly i don't understand, why people need two times to confirm if they want to subscribe, because they already did this when entering their mailadres and clicking OK to subscribe on the webpage. 


Please let us know on a solution to turn this off to modify this extra step. I Klaviyo is there only for the American people, we have to switch to a different service provider i guess...



@David To,

we just registered for Klaviyo and wanted to move everything over from another provider but honestly this will be the reason why we won’t. 

You have to give us the opportunity to change the text in this email. The translation is wrong and this feels like a big joke to me that we can’t change your wrong translations.

Hey @Aline,

At this time, you would not be able to rename the subject line or set a preview text of the confirmation email. This is because the email pertains to collecting consent and has limited editing capabilities to be as transparant to your recipients as possible. 


Hey David,
thanks for your quick answer. Ok, I see, so with which subject line would the confirmation mail go out? Would it be an english one for all accounts or would it be in the language I’ve set up for each country account?

Hey @Aline,

At this time, you would not be able to rename the subject line or set a preview text of the confirmation email. This is because the email pertains to collecting consent and has limited editing capabilities to be as transparant to your recipients as possible. 


Hello everybody,
this thread of comments was really helpful to understand something more about the Confirmation email set up, but I do have another question.
Where can I set up the Subject line and Preview line of the Confirmation email?
Thanks a lot in advance


Our Product Team is aware of the strong outpour of requests to improve the translation of the confirmation pages. We’ll be sharing any updates regarding this feature enhancement as soon as any additional information is made available to us!


Hi David, we also urgently need to adjust the German translation. It doesn't work at all the way you have translated it by default. Please give us the opportunity to adapt the text modules.



Actually that already works!!!

When I change the language to Dutch, the default fields are translated to Dutch, so works for me ;)

Thank you David, will do.

I understand you want to be GDPR complaint, of course so do we. As templates have language in settings can’t we find a solution using default text/fields/templates which are filled based on the language of the template?

This way you stay in control, but give us the flexibility to use more than one language.

Warmest regards,


PS: If you need assistance with the transaltions, let me know

Hey @Shots Fired,

I would suggest subscribing to this post as we’ll provide an update once we receive news from our Product Team regarding this feature request for an ability to edit the language in the confirmation email fields more adequately. 


Hi David,

I'm in a similar situation ad Edgar where I first want to do all communication in Dutch and can’t change the fields. 

Hey @edgar111,

As aforementioned, at present there aren’t any available updates I can share. However, I will be sure to provide an updates to any news I may hear from our internal Product Team regarding the translations of the confirmation emails. 

Really appreciate your patience as our team work towards improving Klaviyo!


Hey David,

Currently I’m thinking to build all my e-mail newsletter on klaviyo, but without being able to have a proper German translation for the confirmation mail, that doesnt really make sense. Could you please check with the team asap, if they can make those changes? Otherwise we need to use another service, which I’d like to avoid.



Hey @Sebum,

At present there aren’t any updates I can provide pertaining to this request. What I can share is that our Product Team is aware of the request and is categorizing this request as a product enhancement that has been brought to the appropriate team to further explore improving upon. 

Thanks for being a part of the Klaviyo Community!

