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Hello ~ I am new and struggling to find the embed code to input into Woo site for new Newsletter Sign ups. Totally confused. I created a 3 x part flow (for new newsletter sign ups) and I also created a pop up  ‘sign up form’  simply capturing an email. We are now going with our own Divi theme of pop up to capture the emails but I’m unsure how to link the 3 x part flow I’ve created for new newsletter subscribers? Did I do this backwards? Appreciate any help. Renee :)

Hi there,


The signup forms snippet is below -- make sure to replace eyour public API key] with your own public API key.

<script async type="text/javascript" src=" public API key]"></script>

In order to display signup forms and collect emails on your site, you need to copy the code and paste it before the </body> tag on every page you want to display the forms.


Hope this helps.




