
Unpublished, untracked inventory products

  • 3 July 2024
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view


My company sells handmade art and furniture. The majority of our pieces are made-to-order, thus we do not have a tracked inventory. We have a collection of in-stock pieces in inventory that are tracked. Those pieces end up published in the Klaviyo catalog, but the untracked ones do not… is there a way around this so everything publishes?  


Thank you!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi there @msteinb23


Do you mind sharing what you intent to do with these untracked hand-made pieces? Do you want to display them in a product feed, if they are made to order, how do you intent them to be displayed? 


That can help me better identify how to solve for this!


Thanks for participating in the Community!

