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My company sells handmade art and furniture. The majority of our pieces are made-to-order, thus we do not have a tracked inventory. We have a collection of in-stock pieces in inventory that are tracked. Those pieces end up published in the Klaviyo catalog, but the untracked ones do not… is there a way around this so everything publishes?  


Thank you!

Hi there @msteinb23


Do you mind sharing what you intent to do with these untracked hand-made pieces? Do you want to display them in a product feed, if they are made to order, how do you intent them to be displayed? 


That can help me better identify how to solve for this!


Thanks for participating in the Community!


Hi! I would like these pieces to be published in the product feed. They are made to order like photo (no customizations) so they are just standard listings. They inventory is just tracked because we don’t have any specific Shopify inventory to keep track of as they are not physically in-stock with the design listed. 

I’m having the same issue. We have some items that we list an inventory count, and others that are made to order. E.g. Custom designs in which the materials can vary. When I create a feed for my emails, it shows “Untracked Inventory” items as “Un-plublished”. Therefore, they don’t appear on the product feed.

Looks like this thread might be of help?


1. Manual Product Entry:

  • You can manually add made-to-order items to your Klaviyo catalog. This allows you to showcase all products without needing to track inventory. Ensure you provide relevant details, such as descriptions, images, and pricing.

2. Custom Product Fields:

  • If your e-commerce platform allows it, create custom product fields for made-to-order items. You can then use these fields to define details that Klaviyo can pull into your catalog, even if inventory tracking isn’t involved.

3. Use a Catalog App:

  • Explore apps or integrations that allow you to manage your catalog independently. Some apps let you display products without inventory tracking, making it easier to include made-to-order items.

4. Dynamic Product Updates:

  • Consider implementing a dynamic product feed that includes both in-stock and made-to-order items. This way, you can update Klaviyo with the latest offerings without needing strict inventory tracking.

5. Collection Pages:

  • Create specific collection pages on your e-commerce site that include both types of products. Ensure these collections are integrated with Klaviyo, so all items appear in your email campaigns and catalogs.

6. Leverage Segmentation:

  • Use customer segmentation in Klaviyo to target audiences based on their preferences for made-to-order versus in-stock items. This allows you to tailor communications while still showcasing all products.

1. Manual Catalog Entry:

  • Add Made-to-Order Items Manually: You can manually create entries for your made-to-order items in the Klaviyo catalog. This allows you to showcase them without needing inventory tracking.

2. Use a Product Feed:

  • Create a Custom Product Feed: If your e-commerce platform allows it, set up a custom product feed that includes both tracked and untracked items. You can integrate this feed with Klaviyo to ensure all products are listed.

3. Dynamic Product Updates:

  • Implement a Dynamic Feed: Use a dynamic feed that updates Klaviyo with information about both in-stock and made-to-order products. This can help keep your catalog current without strict inventory management.

4. Create Collections:

  • Organize Products into Collections: Set up specific collections on your website that include both types of products. Ensure these collections are integrated with Klaviyo, so they are visible in your email campaigns.

5. Custom Product Fields:

  • Add Custom Fields: If possible, create custom fields for your made-to-order items within your e-commerce platform. This way, Klaviyo can pull this information into the catalog, even without inventory tracking.
