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Why is my account canceled?

  • 14 March 2023
  • 1 reply


Yesterday we realized that our account appeared as a canceled account, none of the team made that cancellation and we have been told a reason why, also our account appears as if we had not contracted our plan which does not make sense since the payment was made a few days before and because we "don't" have the contracted plan, they don't let us use the usual support channels.

It is not our intention to delete the account, in fact it is what we want to avoid, but we cannot contact support correctly.



Welcome to the Community! Sorry to hear you’ve had issues with your account, happy to help! 


I can see that you are already in communication with our support team about why you’re account was canceled. Happy to hear you’re working toward a solution! 


For anyone else having trouble logging into your account, want to delete your account or have a billing dispute, you can submit a request with our team by clicking the dropdown option here.


Thanks for participating in the Community!

