I am working with a brand for 3 months now, and we cannot fix deliverability.
We have tried the following:
- Sending campaigns to only engaged people. Audience is about 100 and open rates are 40%+
- Removed all flows except Welcome and Abandon Checkout
- Directing customers from the PopUp to open their email to receive their discount. Customers will still not follow through to open these emails.
- Tested Double Opt In
Emails are still landing in spam on the Welcome and Flow emails. The list is not growing as we have double opt in and people aren’t approving it.
Is there a case to just start again with a new sending domain as it seems this domain is lost on us? If so, what would be the process for this?
Right now, we cannot generate enough revenue from customers to justify continuing charging this client and we are at loose ends as to what to do next.