
Adjusting sending email address on a dedicated sending domain

  • 26 June 2023
  • 3 replies

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Hi all, 

I was hoping to get some clarity on something. We just moved to a sending dedicated sending domain and I wanted to adjust the sending email address from to Please see my questions:

  1. Are both those email addresses the same, and if not, do we need to create an email address in order for this be a viable send address? I know many brands have to basically let customers know that any reply that is sent will go unanswered. I am perfectly happy with the latter approach, but just want to confirm whether you do or do not need access to the email address being used (specifically on this subdomain). 
  2. I have seen other threads where others have suggested using for anything promo related, and for any transactional email. Can anyone confirm this will work on a DSD, and what are the benefits from a deliverability perspective other than letting customers know email is transactional and which is a promotion. 

Thanks in advance.


Best answer by inboxingmaestro 28 June 2023, 09:57

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Userlevel 7
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Hello @Compound,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

Was there a specific reason why you wanted to switch your sending address from from to The viability of this would really depend on how you’ve setup your dedicated sending domain though. 

To answer your first question, no, both those email addresses would not be the same. Your sending email address does not need to a viable, active/live email address for sending. But to receive email, it needs to be an active one. Or you can use a separate reply to address.

When using a dedicated sending domain, I don’t see why using for anything promotion related, and for transactional related content wouldn’t work. Similar to how this distinction helps your customer understand the type of content your sending, this distinction also helps inbox providers.

I know our Community Champion, @inboxingmaestro has spoken on this topic several times. I’ve included some past Community posts where we’ve discussed this prior along with some other posts that may be helpful to review:

I hope this helps!


Userlevel 5
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Thanks @David To for looping me here. I agree with David’s inputs. Well! he has already answered correctly but I’ll be happy to discuss further in case you have any doubts now.

Just to add my cents /to what David has just mentioned -

  1. Setting up the right sending domain or sub-domain will help build trust with the ISPs. Authentication and domain alignment is also important and you must check if your authentication records (SPF, DKIM & DMARC) are setup properly, getting passed, and domains aligned in the headers.
  2. It doesn’t require for the sending domain to be an active mailbox as David mentioned, but it’s better to have one that matches with reply-to address because what happens when any recipient reply back on the same email address, it helps getting that sending address added in the address book and also helps in improving deliverability.
  3. To add to your 2nd question - it’s always better to segregate marketing vs. transactional communication and keep it on separate domains to avoid any deliverability conflicts or confusing the filters.



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Thank you @David To and @inboxingmaestro, really appreciate the help. 
