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Hi everyone, we are trying to send out the email but we found out both call to action and images links are leading to ( the links look usual) notice which is really frustrating , anyone could advise how we could fix this? Obviously The Klaviyo customer support team is not working on weekends while we have an event and needs to solve this and send the emails out asap. 
Your advice is much appreciated .


Hi @Chloe123 


Welcome to the community! I’m sorry you experienced this frustration on the day of an event…


It seems like this link warning is specific to the security settings on the device/ browser that you’re using. All links that you build into an email will technically include the “trk.kclick..” URL as a redirect since that is basically a pre-click step before the page loads to your true specified URL so Klaviyo can track that click for you…


I’m including a screenshot of how this plays out for one of my clients when we’re testing links in their email sent this weekend.


You might find this tool Email on Acid helpful - it’s part of our QA testing process for each email, and it can give you extra confidence that your links are fully functional, regardless of what device the email is tested on.




Marketing Lead, ebusiness pros
