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I have this account for testing the API and I started my first campaign 1 day ago. All endpoints work, but I am having issues with the metric timeline endpoint to fetch events of all  metrics . 

When not specifying the ‘since’ parameter I get all my event data (5 events) :

curl --location --request GET ''

When I specify the ‘since’ to right now I get all my event data (5 events) :

curl --location --request GET ''

When I specify the ‘since’ parameter to 2 days ago (10 October 2022 01:52:22 : ‘1665366742’ ) I get NO data:

curl --location --request GET ''

When I specify the ‘since’ parameter to 12 April 2032 : ‘1965366742’ I would expect to get no data, but i still receive all the data 

curl --location --request GET ''


How does this since parameter work? 

  1. I would expect to get data when searching for the since=1665366742
  2. I would expect not to get any data for the since=1965366742



It seems to work when I set the sort = asc, but it’s confusing to why

Hi @AdamBak,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

The word since is a bit confusing in this context, it's really "show me all events that were created before this date”, but when you adjust the sorting to sort=asc it turns into "show me all events that were created after this date" which is why it works.

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