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Hi there - we experience huge problems with bounces to all address (which is Germany’s biggest online provider, hence a big problem for as as Germany is our key market). Essentially all e-mails to bounce for several months already, and we now have several thousand suppressed profiles because of that.

I contacted Klaviyo several times and they always say they will look into it (and trying one more time now), however the problem persists.

Does anyone have any advice on how to best address this? Is this something Klaviyo needs to fix (i.e. is Klaviyo getting blocked), or is our domain the problem? Note we just started to set up our own domain in Klaviyo (have added DNS accordingly), but no results yet.

Also does anyone know how I can un-suppress the profiles in bulk?

Thanks for the help, any advice highly appreciated!

And another completely-standard answer not answering my questions at all...


 (Klaviyo D&C) 

Aug 5, 2021, 3:37 PM EDT 

Hi there,

Because we use a range of rotating IPs, we are unable to share, as it would not be accurate or feasible to provide the range to our users.

T-online has recently instituted some unique requirements that are needed of a sender to ensure inbox placement. You can read about these requirements in our guide on the topic here. These have impacted the entire email sending industry and are not specific to Klaviyo.

The bounce reason will differ in the IP address that was used for that specific send, but the bounces are:
554 IP= - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact to clarify.)

--with differing IPs, as mentioned.

If your account is unable to meet these requirements at this time, we would recommend creating a segment using a condition like the one below and excluding the said segments from your campaign sends. This will prevent profiles having a series of bounces on their timeline which in turn will make sure that they are not suppressed for email sending in the future.


Do let us know if we can help with anything else in the meantime!


I got another answer from the t-online postmaster. They told me that Klaviyo has to contact them.

New answer from the t-online postmaster:

The problem is, that Klaviyo uses a lot of IPs from different network areas. We already released some IPs from Klaviyo but that’s why we need to know about which IPs exactly we are talking.


Please, dear Klaviyo, contact the t-online postmaster and tell them from which IPs you are sending our mails.

Hello to all,

nice that the discussion is so intense again.

The more I read, the more annoyed I became. Because the problem has now become a medium disaster. Problems don't get smaller if you ignore them!

I do not understand that this post were marked as solved. The opposite is the case!

I was asked by Klaviyo to set up a dedicated sending domain, which I did 2 months ago. 
Statement was that Klaviyo will approach T-Online in my name afterwards.

Until today I did not get an answer despite several contacts with the support.
The bouncerate of the mails to t-online has therefore not improved.


The solution with a dedicated sending IP is not feasible for the majority of Klaviyo customers. 
What does the Klaviyo team plan to do to solve the problem?



Hi @Erik,

We hear you and are taking action.  We will attempt again to work with T-online to get the Shared IPs unblocked.  We have been turned away in the past because they are shared IPs and not Dedicated with custom PTR Records.  However, the responses we have seen recently to customers shows that they may have lightened up on this stance.  We will update you as soon as we learn more.  Thank you very much for your continued understanding in this matter.

Thanks again, 


Same issue here… I have just send the first newsletter and all addresses got bounced.

It would be good, if Klaviyo could warn users about such addresses, as there is little we can do to prevent these bounces without knowing the issue beforehand.

By the way: addresses are very popular in Germany, unfortunately.

Hey everyone! 


My name is Francis, I am a Deliverability and Compliance technical specialist here at Klaviyo. I wanted to follow-up on this thread and provide some more information. 

Klaviyo is actively looking into joining CSA. The CSA application is extensive, and before we can meet all the standards and requirements, they have we need to do some technical changes. We are actively working on these technical changes, as well as working with CSA.

T-Online is currently not listed as a member of CSA, so yes, the CSA Certification has great benefit. We currently have no evidence, that it will assist with making inbox placement at T-Online easier. Here is a list of all ESP’s and MBP’s that currently take advantage of the CSA Certificate.

We understand, how difficult this situation is, and we are all feeling it in the industry. Klaviyo is actively working on ways to make this better and smoother. Deliverability has always been a top priority and will continue to be.




@francis.baker Any update on a solution?

@chloe.strange Any update on a workaround in the meantime?


What can I do? What are you guys really up to?


Off the Top of My Head I have tow  feature requests:

  • soft suppress: “suppress temporarily in all campaigns and flows”
  • auto refund: automatically refund us poor little SMAs for money not made and the time extra spent

I could cry.

@Fliegenglas@Erik@Roland@superoelk  et al - a temporary work around for campaigns could be a local serial mailer program:

  • I bought serial mailer 8 for 40 EUR on mac
  • I imported my 500 t-online clients
  • t-online postmaster said I could send 500 mails withouth damaging my reputation
  • be aware of your sender limits of your email account, both per hour / per day (which I found out by “testing” them :fearful:  now have to get into nitty gritty details of email account seettings, yey!)

Whats your plan of action for both, a workaound and a solution?


@chris141331 Thank you for sharing your workaround. I don’t know if this local program can be a fit for us, we currently have about 3.000 t-online clients. We could also switch back to our former mailing software. But we really don’t want to work in 2 different mailing systems and creating every campaign multiple times.


Klaviyo has to finally solve this.


Unfortunately, we currently don’t have any other workaround. Customers are constantly calling and asking us, why they don’t receive our newsletter and our opt-in mail. And there’s nothing else for it but to ask them to use another e-mail-address 🙈

@superoelk agree! How do you exclude t-online clients from getting any mails from klaviyo in the meantime? How do you get suppressed back to live other than manually?

If you chose to go back, you‘d better test the “old” provider before. I had campaign monitor deliver for us since 2009. In August 2021 was the last successfull (already a workarund) campaign. Yesterday 497 / 500 mails bounced with campaign monitor, too.

A nightmare, @francis.baker and @chloe.strange - and no solution!


Hi @chris141331 and @superoelk,

Thank you for surfacing your concerns and @chris141331 for sharing your workaround with the community. 

We understand that this situation has been challenging and a point of frustration for many, and we appreciate you sharing your feedback and concerns. This issue continues to persist across the industry. @francis.baker shared the steps that we are taking as an organization to improve this experience:

Hey everyone! 


My name is Francis, I am a Deliverability and Compliance technical specialist here at Klaviyo. I wanted to follow-up on this thread and provide some more information. 

Klaviyo is actively looking into joining CSA. The CSA application is extensive, and before we can meet all the standards and requirements, they have we need to do some technical changes. We are actively working on these technical changes, as well as working with CSA.

T-Online is currently not listed as a member of CSA, so yes, the CSA Certification has great benefit. We currently have no evidence, that it will assist with making inbox placement at T-Online easier. Here is a list of all ESP’s and MBP’s that currently take advantage of the CSA Certificate.

We understand, how difficult this situation is, and we are all feeling it in the industry. Klaviyo is actively working on ways to make this better and smoother. Deliverability has always been a top priority and will continue to be.





We'll be closing this thread at this time as we do not have any updates to share. If there is an update to share we will be sure to reopen the topic for visibility. Again, we appreciate your patience and are actively exploring the best strategy for moving this forward.

