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In fact, I usually subscribe daily to a lot of e-commerce brand newsletters
- for my agency prospecting to see if a brand is leveraging its email marketing
- also to find inspiration by having a swipe file of lots of good newsletters.

My problem was that after a while I noticed that I wasn't receiving any emails from certain e-commerce brands that use Klaviyo.
(Even brands that I know have welcome emails after pop-up registration).

My hypothesis is that the Klaviyo servers
- are blocking the email addresses I sign up with
- or maybe blocking the IP address from which the actions were taken
... thinking it's list bombing or some other malicious act, such as bots subscribing to lots of newsletters

The problem is that I manually subscribe to newsletters, maybe 15-20 a day, so it's not a lot.

I'd like to know if anyone has encountered this situation by subscribing to several Klaviyo newsletters fairly quickly.

And also if you know if Klaviyo (or the servers) would detect this and block the email addresses or IP addresses as security.

Hello @Baptiste H  Not that shouldn’t happen. Do you use your original details to signup newsletter? May be some of these brands are filtering profile where you use keywords like test  in the user details.

Some of brands I know don’t send emails until they they more about you.

If your assumption is that Klaviyo is blocking your email then test it in your Klaviyo account.


My emails do not contain any words that could be blocked.


For example, I tried subscribing to the newsletters of my current e-commerce customers, and found several problems
- the profile is created, and in the events it says that a form has been filled in, but then no e-mail is sent (despite a live welcome flow)
- the profile is created, but then marked as “suppresses”. (with no further justification)
- sometimes the profile wasn't even created despite registration
(what I'm saying is a bit disorganized, but it comes from repeated tests)

I have the impression that after a break without subscribing to any newsletters, I can now subscribe and receive the emails, but that after several subscriptions it comes back and I end up not receiving any more emails (even though I know that the brands in question have a welcome flow).


I have the impression that the Klaviyo servers detect that I subscribe to newsletters from different brands, but the majority of which are on Klaviyo, so perhaps an act considered suspicious.

Hey @Baptiste H, I think your original assumption may be correct. I suggest reaching out to Support to investigate this further for you.  

Thank you @kaila.lawrence 
I've already contacted support but unfortunately without a convincing answer...
I'll try again!
