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Clients in general like to know how many emails are on their list and how many have been added over given time.


I am aware of Growth reports for each list, but also that they are not available for segments, and since there is no general report, it would be impossible for me to screenshot or walk them through each list’s growth report weekly.


I am looking to give clients a birds-eye snapshot of weekly growth by key Lists or Segments, something that should be available in Analytics dashboard, but I just cannot find it. I need to show how many subscribers added / removed from the total of key segments / lists by week or month. I would be happy to use custom reports with my own graphing software, but there’s no “All Time” timeframe, so there’s no way to get an accurate total, and it’s my understanding that “Subscribed to List” does not include manual imports or quick adds.



Could not agree more with brendonbrown on this. Considering Klaviyo’s design is heavily (and rightly) skewed towards using segments over lists, not being able to report on segment growth seems a little crazy to me. I care about the number of people I can actually send emails to based on dynamic segment definitions, not a static list that almost certainly misrepresents marketing potential.

Hey @brendonbrown ,

Thank you for writing in!

As you mentioned, for Lists, you can view the List Growth Report, but for segments this is not currently available.

While you can use the Analytics Dashboard to get an overview of all of your Subscriber, the best way to get this information for your Segment would be to use the Lists and Segments Dashboard.

You can star any list or a segment in your account. Once you do this, it will appear on your Lists and Segments Dashboard, and will give you a breakdown / snapshot of the weekly growth for that specific list / segment.




Hope this helps!

Happy Sending :) 


Thanks, those are all options I am aware of. I’d love the ability to measure account health in terms of global subscriber growth. It seems to me as though this would be of value to a significant amount of clients and partners. I’d actually be happy if Klaviyo could provide this via a customizable report metric - I generally make my own client visualizations through a lovely and highly-automated software Dashthis

Hi there @MGG,

Thanks for following up on this thread!

The reason that is showing is because of the integration or Form used to signup. The Subscribed to List metric will not populate for profiles that are synced from an integration added through your API, or uploaded to a list via a CSV file or copy/paste, which from what I can tell, Attentive is the Third-Party here. You can also consult Attentive's documentation to confirm how they sync data into Klaviyo. It's detailed further in this guide.
These are the third parties specifically we sync it for:

  • JustUno
  • Privy
  • OptinMonster
  • GetSiteControl
  • BackInStock
  • DojoMojo
  • ViralSweep
  • LeadFamly
  • Gleam

Going off of that, for every List you can create a Growth Report.

I hope this helped!

Hey @brendonbrown ,

Thank you for writing in!

As you mentioned, for Lists, you can view the List Growth Report, but for segments this is not currently available.

While you can use the Analytics Dashboard to get an overview of all of your Subscriber, the best way to get this information for your Segment would be to use the Lists and Segments Dashboard.

You can star any list or a segment in your account. Once you do this, it will appear on your Lists and Segments Dashboard, and will give you a breakdown / snapshot of the weekly growth for that specific list / segment.




Hope this helps!

Happy Sending :) 

Hi, have a follow up question to this.  Is there a way to see historical list growth by week?


I was thinking the Subscribed to List metric would allow me to do this, but read that it’s not always triggered by third party sign up sources (ie. we use attentive).

Hi @orilehavi,

If you are passing a $source property with your integration based on store location for your customers, you could create a segment for each store location based on $source in your account. This way you can separate out which contacts are coming in through the different stores. I’d be curious if you could leverage either Shopify tags or the $source property to create these different segments of users based on store location. It may require custom work to sync over $source by location using our APIs. If you need help finding a developer, feel free to check out our agency partner directory

Hope this helps!


I do have segments for each POS location. however- 

  1. i need to manually create complicated reports in order to compare between the amount of costumers each store has brought into the list every month. seems to me that a retail chain must have this report as a basic tool. 
  2. it is still impossible to differentiate a preferred shopping location and to email costumer according to where she buys the most, or more frequently. it should be so easy to allow the POS location data be updated in Klaviyo profiles. right now i can only tag a costumer when they buy for the first time in a certain location, so they would get a shopify tag for each location they have bought. now if i want to have a store associate personaaly invite them to a store event, and it is a costumer who buys in 2 locations, i have to manually decide where to send her to- which is impossible. 

would love to get any ideas/suggestions 

thanks ! 

It seems as though there is now good way to analyze the source of subscription to lists when it comes to POs integration with Shopify. I’m desperately trying to analyze how many new subscribers each of my stores add to the list and could not find any way to do that.  

Hi @orilehavi,

If you are passing a $source property with your integration based on store location for your customers, you could create a segment for each store location based on $source in your account. This way you can separate out which contacts are coming in through the different stores. I’d be curious if you could leverage either Shopify tags or the $source property to create these different segments of users based on store location. It may require custom work to sync over $source by location using our APIs. If you need help finding a developer, feel free to check out our agency partner directory

Hope this helps!


Hi there @orilehavi,

Do you think you can provide more information regarding your second point? I’d love to hear more about the issues behind sending all customers an invite to the store event if they’ve bought from both stores.

Assuming that you already have a method setup to apply tags to determine what this user's "preferred" location was, then you should be able to also invite the user to a specific event that would also update their preferred store. Even if you are accounting for this "preferred store" tag already in the invite to customers, there should be and it would still be manageable based on if you were using segments or whatever means you are using to distinguish each audience. Some examples would be great from your setup.

As a note, many of the things you are trying to do are not supported natively from the Klaviyo integration and may require a third party or custom setup to fully accomplish. To get further assistance, I would also reach out to a Klaviyo partner at our agency partner portal to get some assistance.


Hi Alex

the issue is that we do not have a preferred store tag. the Klaviyo-Shopify API can only pull the tag. and the tag is created once a costumer bought in a store. so for example costumer bought twice in store 1 and once in store 2. her preferred store is 1. there is no way to use that criteria as a segment tool in klaviyo. in general, a POS location is not something the Klaviyo - Shopify API pulls. 

so if i want to create a flow, for example, that is personal from the staff of a specific location, thanking the costumer after every purchase, i can only do it after the first purchase - when a costumer joins a segment ‘store 1 costumers’ (he was tagged in Shopify and joined a segment), but i cannot use the trigger - after the costumer bought in POS location called ‘store 1’. it is not possible in the API. 

if you could refer me to someone who can do it i will be grateful. 




If anyone finds this in the future, Klaviyo now has Segment Growth Reports!

See here for more information:


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion 

Hi @orilehavi,

Thanks for providing additional information regarding your setup and why some things might not work.

If you wanted to have a flow triggered ever time based on a location the user purchased from, then you should try using a metric triggered flow instead of a segment triggered flow based on the Placed Order event with flow/trigger filters in place. I think that @stephen.trumble mentioned in his response to the List or Segment for our POS retail and another for our Online e-commerce Community post which brings up the Guide to Differentiating Shopify POS and Shopify Web Data help center article that I would recommend checking up. 

I am assuming you are using a segment triggered flow which leads to the issue because segment triggered flows only allow customers to enter the flow once but the prior setup will be fine.

As for referring, although I do not have a direct recommendation I can just redirect you to the partner portal and hopefully with some due diligence, you can find the perfect parter for you.


Have a good day!


I want to raise attention to this thread again as I too would like to be able to see Growth Report by Segment.

My expectation on this report would be a list of all Lists that segment is made up of (or other metrics) and how many contacts are from that List(s)


Segment Example

List #1 - May 1054, June 1088

List #2 - May 600, June 755

List #3 - May 971, June 1105

You should be get a List Growth metric by creating a segment with someone has subscribed as qualifier and then in the time period you wish to measure growth for eg last 24 hours. You could of course subtract those who unsubscibed to get a true list growth.


That said the holy grail needs to be quality list growth..

You should be get a List Growth metric by creating a segment with someone has subscribed as qualifier and then in the time period you wish to measure growth for eg last 24 hours. You could of course subtract those who unsubscibed to get a true list growth.


That said the holy grail needs to be quality list growth..

or of course another option is Analytics >Metrics> configure report and build from there.
