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High Bounce Rate. Blocked by Spamhouse, but not listed in their blacklist.

  • 21 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi community!

For one of my recent email campaigns the bounce rate was over 3% which is absolutely unusual for this account. Most of the bounces were on domain. In the bounce reason I have a lot of “blocked by Spamhaus”. So I checked the IP reputation on Spamhaus and it says “not listed”. 

This specific bounce reason also happens for other domains, including

How should I approach this?
Thank you!

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +30

Hey there, @olenaseveryn! This is definitely a concern our Deliverability team should investigate further for you and check under the hood. Please reach out to Support and you’ll be routed to the correct team 😁 
