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Hello guys,

We just switched from another email provider to Klaviyo email. 

Today I found that there is a Deliverability score and mine is 48(very bad i think)!

I understand the score is something very important for our email deliverability.

Could someone share your score and how you keep such good score?


Thank you so much!

@Joseph Morgan Keeping good deliverability score in Klaviyo is pretty simple since Klaviyo is actually telling you what they are tracking. Those 5 metrics that are being tracked are what your score depends on. So if you want to improve it and keep it better than what it is now you will need to improve those 5 metrics in your Klaviyo account.

So keep the OR above 33%, CR above 1.2%, BR below 1%, Unsubscribes below 0.30% and Spam Complaints below 0.01%.


One thing to mention here that is important is these are Klaviyo tracking metrics for deliverability and not inbox providers metrics. There isn’t big disconnect between the two but I just want to point out that inbox providers have their own metrics that are not public from which your deliverability in different inbox provider depends from. So it is possible to have good Klaviyo deliverability but on some inbox providers to have bad deliverability and the other way around. 

So your main goal should be to try to make sure that your general Klaviyo metrics for these 5 things are meeting the Klaviyo standards but then you should also check your emails for each separate inbox provider and try to keep the separate metrics at least as high as the minimum for this Klaviyo metrics to assure yourself that your emails have good deliverability in all inbox providers.
