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How do I avoid the "via" while customers receive their emails?

  • 20 May 2023
  • 1 reply

While sending emails to our subs, near the email we see “via”. How do we avoid this?

Hey @nambirajanks,

Great question!

When you’re seeing via (or similar variations) at the end of your sender information in an email. This just means you’re still on Klaviyo’s shared domain as explained in our Understanding dedicated vs. shared sending domains Help Center article:

By default, most users will start out sending from a shared IP and Klaviyo domain. This domain will appear in the sender information at the top of an email message as shown below (e.g., “sent on behalf of '' or “via”). In the example below from Gmail, your recipients see that your sender email address includes "via” because you are using a shared sending domain.

Inside an email inbox showing an example of an email sent from the via klaviyo sending domain

You can have this messaging omitted if, instead of sending on a Klaviyo shared domain, you setup and send using your own dedicated one. If you’re interested, I would recommend taking a look through our How to set up a dedicated sending domain Help Center article which can offer guidance on how to set one up. 

We also have some past Community threads on this topic that may be helpful to review as well:

I hope this helps!

