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We have some historical orders that aren't at 'complete' status in Magento but we need to ship them at a later date - this means that the Order Shipping emails are being sent sometimes months after the shipment has been sent, can anyone help?

Hello @marctyson70,

Welcome back to the Klaviyo Community!

I think it would be helpful if you could provide more details for myself and other Community members to see if they can share any insight into your problem. 

If I’m understanding this correctly, it sounds like you’re saying that because your orders are not marked as “completed”, a Magento Fulfilled Order event is not triggered despite the order already being shipped. Because the order technically has been shipped and a fulfilled order is being triggered at a later time, a shipping confirmation email is still being sent out in the future. 

Assuming my understanding is correct, I would suggest including either a flow filter or conditional split to your shipping confirmation email to alleviate this behavior. For example, a flow filter or conditional split for “has placed order at least once in the last X-timeframe”. This way, users who did place an order within your acceptable turnaround time would still be appropriately sent the shipping confirmation email while order purchases would be filtered out. 

I hope this helps!

