Hi all, I switched from Mailchimp back in December. I thought it would be a perfect time to warm my list as December and January are usually slow months for me. The thing is, I first had a bad flare up of tendonitis and right after came down with the flu that turned into pneumonia and a hospital stay. So, I was not able to work on my business at all the past 8 weeks. I’m now back to work and things were so slow I really need to have a store sale to get some income coming in. I don’t have time to wait a month to warm up my list.
What’s the worst that can happen if I just email my sale to my whole list?
I suppose I can just send out sale notices to my most engaged audience? I’m not even sure how to do that. I’ll have to do some reading.
Any thoughts and suggestions appreciated. I just really can’t wait a month to do a sale campaign.