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Resolving difference between Klayvio Campaign Clicks and Shopify Website Hits

  • 12 June 2024
  • 1 reply

In my most recent Klayvio campaign, I am showing significantly more “clicks” than website visitors.  For example shortly after sending the email, Klayvio said that 26 people had clicked links to my website, however Shopify is showing that only 4 people had visited the website (and that is the same number as before the email was ever sent)

How can I gauge the effectiveness of my emails if these analytics don’t match up?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
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Hey @Cottonwood! It’s likely what you’re experiencing is bot activity which is a known industry problem Klaviyo is working on solutions for better identifying.  You have a few options in the meantime:

  • An immediate stopgap is moving to dedicated click tracking with SSL could help reduce (but not eliminate) elevated bot clicks. This is not assured as it has not been extensively tested, however this could help to mitigate the effect of these clicks on your sends.
  • To help you monitor the size of the potential audience, create a segment where “Has clicked email at least once in last X time" with an additional filter where Bot Click = true. 
    • Alternatively, you can also add the “Bot click = false” filter to your engaged segment in order to maintain your deliverability. 

Here’s some more information on this topic:
