
Sharp Dropoff in Open Rates after switching to Branded Sender

  • 3 April 2024
  • 2 replies




I switched to the branded sender domain about 3 weeks ago and have seen a significant drop in open rates from about 40-50% to about 14%.  The drop off in open rate has to be a direct result of the domain ship as nothing else has changed. I am seeing this performance difference across all email types, including sale focused emails and information focused emails.


I have not done any warming practices as my understanding from the Klayvio guidelines was that I wouldn’t have to. Is there anything I can do to help troubleshoot this drop?


Best answer by Bobi N. 4 April 2024, 08:04

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2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi there @SLCKRtyler ,

Sorry to hear about the open rate dip! While warming practices in Klaviyo aren't always mandatory, they can help. Here's how to recover:

Warm Up Gradually: Start sending to a small subscriber segment and gradually increase volume. This builds trust with mailbox providers for your new domain.(ENGAGED L15,L30)

Monitor & Refine: Track open rates as you warm up and ensure your email content remains engaging.

Klaviyo Support: If needed, the team can analyze your account and provide further guidance.

Bonus Tip: Implement email authentication (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) for better deliverability and avoid spam filters.(i am guessing you have already done this)

By warming up and keeping your emails top-notch, you can get those open rates back up with your branded domain!

Userlevel 7
Badge +42


  • first check to make sure your domain is not blacklisted
  • then check that you set up the dns records for branded domain correctly
  • make sure your DMARC record is also set properly
  • in the emails with lower OR check the deliverability tab to see if all or only specific inbox providers have bad OR
  • when setting the branded domain if your from email is from the same domain that you were sending before you don’t need a lot of warm up but if you changed your domain for the from email you should have warm up the account
  • this should not take long.. maybe 1 or 2 campaigns and should be good
  • if you have bad deliverability on all inbox providers start fixing it but only emailing the most engaged (30 days opens, or even better 30 days clicks only)
  • if you have bad deliverability on specific inbox providers single them out and you can send to the usual segments for other but for this inbox provider create a specific most engaged segment again best option is 30 days clicks for it..
