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My name is Brenda, and I’m brand new in Klaviyo (as well as my domain). I have a couple of questions regarding the warming process and the branded sending domain.

I saw that I fit in the ‘platform introduction process’ but the thing is:

  1. I've created a flow with 5 emails to be sent, with a space of 2 or 3 days between emails, to keep waitlisters engaged with my brand before launching my store officially. The flow is linked to an email list that I've created for this waitlistIs this correct for the warm up? When looking at the chart of ‘ weekly  senders suggested’, it says volume of 2.000 (for twice a week) and suggested engagement to use 30 days. What does this mean? 

  2. When sending emails, I understand that my emails will be sent with a Klaviyo shared domain. When will my branded sending domain start to work (I’ve set it up yestarday)? Does this mean that when warming up my emails are going to still end up in the spam folder?

Im a bit lost here.

Thank you.

Hi @Brenda C.! Welcome to Klaviyo 🙂 There’s a bit to unpack here, so I’ll take things one item at a time.


The platform introduction process essentially means you are a brand new account with no engagement data to leverage, a new domain, and using Klaviyo for the first time. Since this is the case, inbox providers are very wary you might be a spammer. Therefore you have to be extra careful about how many emails you send and to who. Maintaining stellar deliverability is critical until your domain earns a good reputation which means taking things slow and steady. 


I've created a flow with 5 emails to be sent, with a space of 2 or 3 days between emails, to keep waitlisters engaged with my brand before launching my store officially. The flow is linked to an email list that I've created for this waitlist. Is this correct for the warm up?

The short answer is: it depends. What’s critical here are the conditions you’ve set for who qualifies for the flow and how many you’re sending to at once. Based on the recommended chart, you should only be sending emails to a segment people who have clicked an email in the last 30 days (any email you sent, not just the ones in the flow). You should NOT be sending to your entire list. Then, it will depend when you set the flow live to ramp up to how many people you’r sending to at once. You’ll notice in the chart the max number of emails you send should start smaller and gradually increase over time. 


When looking at the chart of ‘ weekly  senders suggested’, it says volume of 2.000 (for twice a week) and suggested engagement to use 30 days. What does this mean?

Simply translated, this means of ALL the emails you send, if you send 2 campaigns per week you should only send to a segment with a maximum of 2,000 subscribers who have clicked at least once in the last 30 days. You can find this audience by creating a segment of Clicked email > at least once > in the last 30 days and double check that segment is fewer or equal to 2,000 profiles. 


When sending emails, I understand that my emails will be sent with a Klaviyo shared domain. When will my branded sending domain start to work (I’ve set it up yestarday)? Does this mean that when warming up my emails are going to still end up in the spam folder?

You should not activate your branded sending domain until you’ve finished warming your domain since it’s brand new. The warming process takes about 30 days of sending successfully while keeping bounce rate below <1%, unsubscribe rate below <0.3%, and spam rate below <0.01%. There is always the possibility that your emails will end up in spam no matter how good your domain reputation is due to tons of variables and circumstances. This is why early on it’s so importnat to only send to your engaged segment, or real humans who are interacting with your emails to build up a good reputation through good deliverability practices. 


I hope that helps! :)

Thank you Kaila. 

I have deactivated the branded domain. So, I understand that my emails will appear in spam for the time being, right?

Regarding the 30 days segment, I have the following question. If I have a flow with 4 messages created, one of them is the welcome message with a download link, I understand that in this first message I will have clicks and engagement since I am giving an incentive. But I wonder if this would be considered a real engagement or would it be from the second email onwards? 

Finally, should I then create two types of flow? One for the ‘welcome message’ linked to the genera Email list and another flow with the rest of the emails linked to the 30 days engaged segment? Or is there a another way?


Thank you again.


@Brenda C. Your emails shouldn’t ALL be going to spam, but it is expected that some will. Unfortunately it’s not entirely within your control whether your emails end up caught in spam filters. Klaviyo is responsible for sending your emails, but once these emails are in the hands of the inbox provider (i.e. Gmail or Yahoo), the messages are filtered according to each provider’s rules. All inbox providers have a built-in system that scans incoming emails, and automatically sorts them using complex algorithms that are not made public. You can mitigate this as much as possible with these tips.


Regarding the 30 days segment, I have the following question. If I have a flow with 4 messages created, one of them is the welcome message with a download link, I understand that in this first message I will have clicks and engagement since I am giving an incentive. But I wonder if this would be considered a real engagement or would it be from the second email onwards? 

A click is a click, baby! Absolutely take any engagement you get. 


Finally, should I then create two types of flow? One for the ‘welcome message’ linked to the genera Email list and another flow with the rest of the emails linked to the 30 days engaged segment? Or is there a another way?

This really depends on the size of the audience that subscribes daily/weekly to your list. You need to stay within the limits of the table. How many new subscribers are we talking about, on average? 


What is the content of the other campaigns after the welcome download?

Thank you very much Kaila.

Yes, you're right, it's a click and engagement as a result, but being a free downloadable, I had the thought that that doesn't count. So over a period of about 15 or 20 days, which is what I would like to have the form open to collect those leads, I need to have a segment set to clicks and open in the last 30 days to send the rest of the flow to that engagement segment, right? (please, correct me if I’m wrong). I have seen that klaviyo has a default 30 day segment, would that one be ok?

On the other hand, I understand that during the first week, when sending twice a week, the maximum volume is 2000. Having this flow created, and if you exceed that amount of volume (I don't think so, but it can happen, who knows), how would you then send that 'welcome email flow' first to those 2000 and then to the rest? Would this have to be done manually? Or do you make an additional segment? Do the messages get mixed? 

Sorry, too many questions, I know.

Thank you very much again!! 😊


Sorry, about this question: What is the content of the other campaigns after the welcome download?


I’m using the welcome default flow in klaviyo (which is the ‘thanks for joining us’ and ‘social media’ email), but I wanted to add 4 more about my brand, products, etc. So I know this kind of emails should be sent to those who are engaged. And here is my absolute And that's where my dilemma comes from, wondering if I have to separate the flow, that is, the first two emails (sent to the whole list), and then create another flow with the engaged segment for the rest of the brand emails. Or, after the first 'thank you for joining' email, make another flow (sent to the engaged segment) starting from the social media email and so on.

Hi @Brenda C.!


I’m glad you were able to get unstuck with some helpful feedback from @kaila.lawrence - especially on the technicalities! Deliverability is tricky, and I’m sure it can feel a little overwhelming to set up this new account and warm your sender domain.  


Given you’re talking about a pre-launch brand, I’m going to zoom out here a bit and hopefully that can simplify your questions as a result. First, can you please tell me how big your current waiting list of people is?


If this list is less than 2,000 or even less than 1,000 then most of the considerations about staying within the maximum send volume thresholds for a new account are already taken care of by the simple fact of your list being small to begin with. 


As a general principle, I encourage you to simplify the logic of your flow, and have one Welcome Series flow that is dedicated to the delivery of the free download people are promised when they sign up to your list, and have following emails in that flow orient people to your brand, and what they can expect to receive in the coming days/ weeks/ months. 


You might consider extending the delay so it’s longer than 3 days between some of the emails, depending on the content, and how far away the launch of your site is. You also might consider using a conditional split to filter out people who haven’t clicked any link after a certain point, like 3 days after receiving E2, before E3 will be sent - for example. 


But let’s first answer the question of how big this list is to begin with - that will inform any further help we can give you. (: 




